'I`m Forever Blowing Bubbles'

Quartet Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Emeritus 04-21-2007 JAD Prelims 47.50 41.00 39.50 42.50
On The Town 03-20-1999 SHD Prelims 47.67 45.33 40.00 44.33
On The Town 10-03-1998 SHD District 46.33 51.33 40.67 46.00
Four Chord Press 10-07-2000 SLD District 49.00 47.00 50.00 48.50
Four Chord Press 03-31-2001 SLD Prelims 47.50 48.00 52.00 49.00
Aarpsichords, The 04-18-1998 ILL Prelims 48.50 49.00 52.00 49.50
Four Chord Press 09-29-2001 SLD District 54.00 51.00 53.50 52.50
Toll Road Connection 10-02-2004 CAR District 53.00 50.00 54.50 52.50
Chord-N-Aires 10-01-2005 CAR District 57.00 50.50 53.00 53.50
Tone-Henge 10-14-2000 CSD District 54.50 59.00 48.50 54.00
Emeritus 04-16-2011 JAD Prelims 57.33 55.00 52.33 54.67
New Dimension 10-28-2000 NED District 54.00 54.33 59.00 55.67
Melody Lane 10-11-2003 CSD District 57.00 54.67 57.67 56.33
Rhapsody 10-25-1997 ONT District 57.00 59.50 55.00 57.00
Brotherhood 04-24-2004 PIO Prelims 58.00 53.50 61.50 57.50
Hubbub 10-12-1996 CSD District 58.67 64.00 56.67 59.67
Vocal Express 10-11-1996 JAD District 70.00 59.50 72.50 67.00
Vocal Express 10-20-1995 JAD District 67.50 69.50 67.00 68.00
Vocal Express 04-13-1996 JAD Prelims 70.50 70.50 74.00 71.50

Chorus Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Miami Valley Music Men 10-27-2007 JAD District 57.33 56.00 57.00 56.67
Cereal City Chorus 10-18-2003 PIO District 61.50 60.00 59.50 60.00
Harmony Kings (inactive) 10-23-2010 LOL District 58.50 63.00 62.00 61.00
Winnebagoland 10-24-2009 LOL District 66.00 62.50 65.00 64.50
Vocal Confluence 10-11-1997 JAD District 67.50 62.50 65.00 65.00