'It`s Impossible'

Quartet Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Oasis 10-13-2008 FWD District 73.00 78.33 73.33 74.67
Oasis 03-21-2009 FWD Prelims 71.67 69.33 70.33 70.33
Uptown Sound 07-06-2002 INT International 86.60 88.20 85.20 86.60
Uptown Sound 07-05-2003 INT International 88.40 91.60 90.40 90.00
Harmonix 07-09-2005 INT International 79.20 77.40 79.40 78.60
Harmonix 07-05-2006 INT International 77.60 78.60 77.80 78.00
Harmonix 07-04-2007 INT International 77.00 76.00 76.00 76.20
Last Kids Picked 07-04-2008 INT International 77.80 76.40 78.00 77.40
Pinstripe 07-04-2008 INT International 78.80 77.80 78.40 78.20
Reckless 07-03-2013 INT International 78.20 78.00 77.00 77.60
Society, The 07-03-2013 INT International 77.20 76.20 76.40 76.60
Con Men, The 07-03-2012 INT NextGen Varsity 81.00 74.00 76.33 77.00
Blend Tech 07-04-2009 INT NextGen Varsity 67.50 76.00 73.00 72.00
Roadtrip 07-07-2007 INT NextGen Varsity 80.50 80.50 81.50 80.50
Uptown Sound 04-12-2003 JAD Prelims 89.33 86.33 87.33 87.67
Con Men, The 10-20-2012 JAD District 78.00 78.00 80.50 78.50
Buckeye Blend 10-20-2012 JAD District 70.50 70.50 72.50 71.00
Last Kids Picked 10-07-2006 MAD District 77.67 79.33 78.33 78.33
Last Kids Picked 03-10-2007 MAD Prelims 71.50 72.50 72.50 72.00
Last Kids Picked 10-06-2007 MAD District 83.00 83.00 80.25 82.00
Last Kids Picked 03-08-2008 MAD Prelims 79.33 79.33 78.00 78.67
Last Kids Picked 10-04-2008 MAD District 76.67 77.00 80.00 77.67
Small Town Sound 10-18-2008 PIO District 62.50 56.00 66.00 61.50
Small Town Sound 10-17-2009 PIO District 69.00 69.50 69.50 69.00
Small Town Sound 10-16-2010 PIO District 63.00 63.00 65.50 63.50
Pinstripe 09-28-2007 SHD District 76.00 76.33 78.67 77.00
Pinstripe 03-15-2008 SHD Prelims 77.50 82.50 79.00 79.50
Pinstripe 10-04-2008 SHD District 73.50 78.00 78.00 76.50
Harmonix 09-27-2002 SLD District 78.00 72.50 76.00 75.50
Harmonix 04-05-2003 SLD Prelims 76.00 76.00 74.00 75.00
Harmonix 04-03-2004 SLD Prelims 77.50 77.00 76.50 77.00
Harmonix 04-01-2005 SLD Prelims 76.00 77.50 77.00 76.50
Harmonix 04-08-2006 SLD Prelims 76.00 74.00 78.50 76.00
Harmonix 04-14-2007 SLD Prelims 78.00 79.50 80.00 79.00
Society, The 04-27-2013 SUN Prelims 77.50 76.00 79.00 77.50
Society, The 10-12-2013 SUN District 77.00 77.00 77.00 77.00
Society, The 05-03-2014 SUN Prelims 79.00 77.50 78.50 78.00

Chorus Date District Level %MUS %PRE %SNG %Total
Heart of Texas Chorus 07-04-2009 INT International 78.60 77.40 79.00 78.20
Fox Valleyaires Chorus 10-14-2023 LOL District 73.33 72.67 72.33 72.67
The Pine Barons 10-05-2013 MAD District 65.00 64.33 66.33 65.00
Harbourtown Sound 10-20-2007 ONT District 73.50 72.50 73.00 73.00
Toronto Northern Lights 10-16-2004 ONT District 90.00 87.50 88.00 88.50
Toronto Northern Lights 10-21-2022 ONT District 88.50 87.00 88.00 87.50