2022 Illinois District


View Original Scoresheet

## Chorus / Song DIST GEN %MUS %PRS %SNG %Total On Stg
1 Sound of Illinois ILL M 82.75 82.25 83.25 82.75 45
The Place Where Lost Things Go (from Mary Poppins 83.00 82.50 83.50 83.00
Trip A Little Light Fantastic (from Mary Poppins R 82.50 82.00 83.00 82.50
2 New Tradition ILL M 75.75 75.50 73.50 74.92 28
Desparado 75.50 76.00 73.50 75.00
Glory Of Love 76.00 75.00 73.50 74.50
3 West Towns Chorus ILL M 72.50 75.25 72.50 73.42 27
My Romance 73.50 75.50 71.50 73.50
Can`t Buy Me Love (from A Hard Day`s Night) 71.50 75.00 73.50 73.00
4 Coles County Barbershop Chorus ILL M 67.00 69.00 67.75 67.92 20
Lazy River 66.50 69.00 67.50 67.50
That`s Life 67.50 69.00 68.00 68.00
5 Land of Lincoln Chorus ILL M 60.00 62.50 62.75 61.75 14
My Blue Heaven 60.50 63.00 62.50 62.00
If You Were The Only Girl In The World 59.50 62.00 63.00 61.50
6 Brotherhood of Harmony Chorus ILL M 56.75 57.50 57.00 57.08 13
Ain`t That A Shame? 57.50 57.50 57.00 57.00
Good Night 56.00 57.50 57.00 56.50
Panel administrator(s)
 F - Rod Sgrignoli - RMD
 F - David Zimmerman - ILL
 F - Michael Lietke - ILL
 F - Allen Otto - SUN
 F - Edward Martinez - ILL
 F - Chad Wulf - JAD

A = All Rounds     F = Final Round     S = Semi-Final Round     Q = Quarter-Final Round